Ask the questions; we want you to.

 Q: Why should I choose Pierce the Veil Investigations?

A: Pierce the Veil Investigations investigators are a committed team of experienced professional investigators. As hired investigators, it’s our due diligence to assist and provide evidence to you and your Attorney if you have hired one in all phases of investigations and litigation. We understand the requirements for a successful outcome.

Q: How do I know if a private investigator can assist with my case, and do I have to sign a contract with Pierce the Veil Investigations?

A: All clients receive a free 30-minute consultation discussing how an investigator can assist their case.

The client will sign a retainer agreement with Pierce the Veil Investigations, L.C., If you decide you would like to proceed with our firm.

Q: Will my information be kept Confidential?

A: Absolutely, “YES” Pierce the Veil Investigations, L.C. will only give information to the client/Attorney.

Q: Is hiring a private investigator to track or do surveillance legal?

A: “YES.” as long as the Investigator is licensed in the Commonwealth of Virginia, they can perform surveillance. Tracking a vehicle with a device is legal as long as the client owns the vehicle they want to use the tracking device on.

Navigating the Unknown

Mental Resilience When Hiring an Investigator

Choosing to hire a private investigator often emerges from uncertainty or concern. While the aim is to shed light on the unknown, the emotional journey accompanying this decision is complex and multifaceted.

Stepping into the Shadows

The process of investigation is much like venturing into shadows, seeking clarity amidst obscurity:

  1. Emotional Tumult: Hiring an investigator can stir emotions - from hope for clarity to fear of what might be unveiled.

  2. The Waiting Game: The period of anticipation, waiting for results or updates, can be mentally taxing, oscillating between hope and anxiety.

The Investigative Process, A Double-Edged Sword

While the primary goal is to uncover the truth, the revelations can be both liberating and challenging:

  1. Facing Reality: Confronting the facts, especially in personal investigations, can bring relief but also necessitate a period of adjustment and acceptance.

  2. The Role of the Investigator: A professional investigator, while objective, understands the profound impact their findings can have on a client's life.

Building Mental Fortitude

Engaging with an investigator requires a level of mental resilience. Here are some strategies to bolster your mental strength during the process:

  1. Seek Support: Counseling or therapy can offer coping mechanisms and a safe space to process emotions.

  2. Stay Connected: Leaning on trusted friends or family can provide emotional grounding.

  3. Empower Yourself with Knowledge: Understanding the investigative process can help mitigate feelings of powerlessness or uncertainty.

Embarking on the investigative journey is a courageous step towards seeking truth. While it's a path riddled with emotional complexities, it's also an avenue toward understanding and closure. At the crossroads of uncertainty, it's crucial to prioritize mental well-being, ensuring a balanced approach to the truths that emerge.

At "Pierce the Veil Investigations," we're here to guide you through every step, ensuring transparency, compassion, and discretion.

Discover crucial safety guidelines from the experts at

Pierce the Veil Investigations

Virginia's trusted name in the investigative field.


    Travel Safety Essentials

    Navigate risks, protect your interests, and stay informed with these essential tips curated for both individuals and businesses seeking peace of mind in today's complex environment.

    Venturing abroad or even across the country can be an exciting adventure, but it comes with its share of risks. At Pierce the Veil Investigations, we prioritize your safety. Whether you're journeying to a foreign land or taking a domestic trip, a few precautions can go a long way. Here are some expert tips to ensure your travels are smooth and secure:

    Be Wary of Public Wi-Fi: While convenient, public Wi-Fi networks are often the hunting grounds for cyber criminals. Within moments, they can intercept your data, gaining access to passwords and sensitive information. We advise you to switch off public Wi-Fi and opt for mobile tethering or personal hot spots. If you're unsure how to set this up, reach out to your mobile service provider.

    Secure Your Devices: Ensure all your electronic gadgets, from smartphones to tablets, are protected with robust, unpredictable passwords. Steer clear from easily decipherable information like birthdays or names. Additionally, consider two-factor authentication for your email accounts, which sends a verification code to your phone during login attempts.

    Limit Social Media Activity: While capturing and sharing travel moments is tempting, it's safer to hold off on posting until you're back home. Broadcasting your whereabouts might inadvertently signal to potential wrongdoers that your residence is unoccupied.

    Keep an Eye on Bank Transactions: Regularly monitor your bank statements and card activities, especially when abroad. This helps in promptly detecting any unauthorized transactions. When traveling internationally, consider the security of using travelers' checks.

    Invest in Travel Insurance: (I NEVER TRAVEL WITHOUT IT) Particularly for trips outside your home country, travel insurance can be invaluable. Not only can it cover unforeseen medical expenses, but it also offers compensation for lost belongings and more. Dive into the policy details to know exactly what's covered.

  • Navigating Online Dating: Beyond the Screen

    Navigating Online Dating Beyond the Screen

    In the ever-evolving realm of relationships, the digital age seems reminiscent of time-honored traditions. Engaging in online conversations often feels like navigating a maze, unsure of who truly resides behind the digital facade.

    Historically, aristocratic unions were orchestrated for power and prestige. Secret courting once included hand fan signals for ladies to convey their interest: a closed fan signaled disinterest, while a fully open one invited an approach.

    The progression of romance saw the rise of "lonely hearts" newspaper columns. Descriptors in these ads mirror today’s digital preferences: physical attributes, shared hobbies, and sometimes, intimate encounters. Abbreviations like "WLTM" (Would Like To Meet) economized space, mirroring today’s internet lingo. if you want to know more about internet lingo, email us and we will send you a list in subject line type LINGO.

    Seeking a travel-loving companion for life’s adventures became precursors to modern profile bios. Responses then, as with digital chats now, started with written correspondence before real-life meetings.

    The digital realm mirrors many of these courtship nuances. Brief bio spaces and gesture-driven interface actions like swipes are reminiscent of yesteryear’s. But, just as deception was possible in print, the digital world is rife with imposters. The term “Catfishing” surged into popular lexicon post 2010, illustrating the potential for online misrepresentation.

    But how do you chart these digital waters? Carefully, as I have told several family members, who have been prey to scammers. It can happen to any of us at any given time.

    Digital Face-to-Face: Propose video chats on platforms like Zoom or Google Hangouts early on. Genuine connections will likely appreciate this forward approach.

    Trust, But Verify: While video hesitation doesn’t spell deceit, it warrants caution. Pursue an in-person meet-up in a public setting when both parties are ready.

    Guard Your Info: Maintain confidentiality until mutual trust is firmly established.

    Follow Your Instincts: If something feels amiss, prioritize your safety. Consider a discreet "exit" strategy for uncomfortable situations.

    Background Checks: Engage professionals to verify online personas. I recently aided a client unmask a fictitious online love interest, saving her potential heartache.

    Analyze Conversations: Maintain and review chat logs for consistency.

    Safety First: Share your digital acquaintance's details with a trusted contact. On real-life dates, always choose public locales, never leave drinks unattended, and remain independently mobile.

    Self-Defense Measures: Equip yourself with protective tools like pepper spray and consider enrolling in self-defense courses.

    Prioritize Yourself: Prioritize personal security over politeness. If a situation feels unsafe, promptly exit.

    Be Alert and Assertive: Stay aware of your surroundings and assert boundaries firmly.

  • Neighborhood Safety

    Proactive Measures for Community Safety

    It's a known tactic among criminals to scout neighborhoods, seeking vulnerable spots for potential break-ins. Often camouflaging their intentions, they might pose as parcel couriers, utility personnel, or even city workers. This guise allows them a closer look at homes, peeking through windows and gauging the value of belongings in plain view. At Pierce the Veil Investigations, we advocate the following strategies to bolster community security:

    Community Vigilance Programs:
    Active neighborhood watch initiatives are invaluable. By organizing regular meetings, residents can share observations about unusual activities or unfamiliar faces in the vicinity. Such platforms not only fortify communal safety but also foster camaraderie. Knowing your neighbors becomes an asset, especially when you're away and need someone to keep an eye on your home.

    Integrated Surveillance Solutions:
    Investing in quality video monitoring systems can play a pivotal role in crime deterrence. These devices are not just deterrents; they can alert homeowners to real-time security breaches. In case of unauthorized access, surveillance footage can be crucial evidence, aiding law enforcement in identification and prosecution.

    Liaison with Law Enforcement:
    Numerous police departments bolster community security via dedicated Crime Prevention or Community Outreach Officers. Their expertise can be tapped into during neighborhood watch gatherings. They provide essential insights into self and property protection, while also elucidating relevant regulations. Building a rapport with these officers enhances a two-way understanding: the community gains a familiar point of contact within law enforcement, and the officer gains deeper insights into the neighborhood's dynamics.

    At Pierce the Veil Investigations, we prioritize community well-being. For more guidance or tailored safety strategies, please contact us.

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